SPIRITUAL RAVISHMENT return with grinding new video "Harbinger" 23 January 2025

"Harbinger" is the second single taken from SPIRITUAL RAVISHMENT's upcoming album "Exit Humanity".
The music video was directed by Marmo David, edited by Andrei Bejușca, with special effects crafted by David Madaș.

The song "Harbinger", as well as the entire "Exit Humanity" album, was mixed by Tudor Scânteie and Andrei Jumugă, with the latter also handling the mastering. Drum recordings took place at Consonance Studios in Timișoara, with Cristian Popescu and Edmond Karban, while guitars, bass, and vocals were recorded at Postanalog Studio in Oradea, under the guidance of Marcel Floruț.

Conceptually, the album "Exit Humanity" continues the narrative introduced in SPIRITUAL RAVISHMENT's debut full-length. The track "Harbinger" sets the tone for this new chapter, taking listeners into a merciless world ruled by primal instincts. Here, survivors hidden in the shadows of the underground clash in savage battles, driven by an insatiable thirst for survival.
"Exit Humanity" is set to be released via the label Loud Rage Music.

Watch the "Harbinger" music video here: https://youtu.be/wK347OQY5jA


Spiritual Ravishment

Loud Rage Music

CLOUDS announces new album "Desprins" – out February 13th via Loud Rage Music 20 January 2025

Acclaimed atmospheric doom metal act CLOUDS is set to release their highly anticipated new album, "Desprins", on February 13th, 2025. The album will be available in an elegant 6-panel digipak CD format, to be released in collaboration with Loud Rage Music. Additionally, the band has announced plans for a future vinyl version of "Desprins", with more details to come soon.

Band Statement:
"We are happy to announce the collaboration with Loud Rage Music for "Desprins", our latest album in terms of CDs and vinyl. Adrian, the label's owner, is an old friend from decades ago. He and his label will also take care of our day-to-day shipping operations. As we are now a fully Romanian act, it only felt natural to have someone close with whom we can coordinate our business plans and help each other."

About "Desprins": Format: 6-panel digipak CD, with a vinyl edition planned for the near future.
Themes: A deep exploration of detachment, loss, and catharsis, "Desprins" invites listeners into an emotional landscape unique to CLOUDS' signature style.
Sound: A seamless blend of atmospheric doom, melancholic undertones, and moments of transcendent heaviness.


Disguise – 7:13
Life Becomes Lifeless – 7:55
Unanswered – 6:31
Forge Another Nightmare – 6:38
Chain Me – 6:13
The Fall of Hearts – 6:47
Will It Ever End – 5:55
Sorrowbound (Bonus Track) – 7:48
Chasing Ghosts (Bonus Track) – 7:21

Pre-Order Information:

Pre-orders for "Desprins" are available now through Loud Rage Music's official Bandcamp page (https://loudragemusic.bandcamp.com/) as well as the band's Bandcamp page (https://cloudsofficial.bandcamp.com/). Keep an eye on their respective social media channels for updates on the vinyl edition.

Founded in 2013, CLOUDS has built a reputation as one of the most evocative names in atmospheric doom metal. The band’s discography is marked by their ability to channel profound emotion and deliver unforgettable live performances. Now a fully Romanian act, CLOUDS continues to innovate and inspire with their latest chapter, "Desprins".



Loud Rage Music

"Days of Future Ravaged Lands", the new ANTUMBRA album is out now! 22 December 2024

Sibiu, Romania based Atmospheric Black Metal one-man band ANTUMBRA released its new album in collaboration with Loud Rage Music. Titled "Days of Future Ravaged Lands", the new material is made of 10 tracks that weave haunting melodies with crushing riffs and evocative lyrics, painting a vivid picture of desolation and resilience. Drawing from a unique blend of Black Metal, Blackened Doom, and cinematic soundscapes, ANTUMBRA creates a sonic journey through a world in turmoil.

Here is what Marius Ignatescu (all instruments / vocals) had to say about it: "This album is about the war, the despair and destruction of humanity. From the blood-soaked battlegrounds of "Rivers of Blood" to the mournful echoes of the song "Threnody" or "Silent Earth," each track weaves a story of the human loss, pain and chaos."

Stream / Order: https://loudragemusic.bandcamp.com/album/antumbra-...

ORDINUL NEGRU announce "Dodekatemoria" release date 4 November 2024

Timisoara, Romania based Occult Black Metal torch-bearers ORDINUL NEGRU announce the release date for their nineth studio full-length album. "Dodekatemoria" will be released on November 13 in collaboration with Loud Rage Music on jewel-case CD format with slipcase and limited edition cassette tape now available for pre-order here: https://loudragemusic.bandcamp.com/album/ordinul-negru-dodekatemoria.

The new material has been in the works for the past five years and it was previously introduced by two EPs: "Nebuisa" in 2020, and "A Sojourner Wandering Through the Barren Openness" in 2021.

Here's what the band had to say about the album: ""Dodekatemoria" is the ninth album and represents our bond with the cosmic nature and what we experience as individuals when we are on this path searching for our truths."

The band recently released the first single taken off "Dodekatemoria" as official video. "Zahir" is online here:

Ordinul Negru is:

Fulmineos - guitars, vocals

Urmuz - guitars, vocals

Putrid - drums, bass

W3 4R3 NUM83R5 released their new album "Death Finds A Way" 26 October 2024

After 6 years since the first long-play record, W3 4R3 NUM83R5 are back with a new album titled "Death Finds A Way", released in collaboration with Loud Rage Music in a very limited edition of only 100 6-panel Digipak CDs and available here: https://loudragemusic.bandcamp.com/album/w3-4r3-num83r5-death-finds-a-way, also available on all streaming platforms.

Romanian Metalcore can be found in full on "Death Finds A Way" which features a total of 10 songs, some already released as singles but now remixed and remastered, as well as new songs.

The record is not a conceptual one so there are some different experimental nuances between the tracks, from metalcore and hardcore to short slam inserts but keeping all the ingredients with which W3 4R3 NUM83R5 imposed itself on the local scene: groovy and melodic lines, violent breakdowns, growl and scream vocals and, as a novelty for this second material, a few tracks have clean vocals.

Lyrics wise, there are themes in which any of us can find ourselves: fear, loneliness, hopelessness, courage, life, death, but also the destructive race of mankind against the planet that is their home.

Several of the remixed and remastered songs that will appear on the new album are already released including videos or lyrics videos, the most notable being Dying, Dark//Below and Outnumbered.

The songs on the new album were written and recorded by W3 4R3 NUM83R5, self-produced, and the final mix and mastering were done by Radu "Snuff" Constantinescu, the band's bassist. At the same time, the vocals on two of the tracks, Time Of Contempt and Final Chapter, are produced, edited and written together with Dan Niculescu and Rach Alaji from June Turns Black.

The visual identity, artwork for the album and merchandise were made by Ilinca Ivanuca.

W3 4R3 NUM83R5 is:

Andrei Dușcă – vocals
Horia Buzuleciu – drums
Alin Ștefănescu – guitar
Radu Constantinescu – bass guitar
Teodor Ardeleanu – guitar


W3 4R3 NUM83R5

SADDAYAH released their new EP, "Lila" 18 October 2024

After 10 years of live activity, SADDAYAH released their new EP, "Lila" in collaboration with Loud Rage Music, in a 6-panel Digipak format strictly limited to only 100 copies. The last copies are available here: https://loudragemusic.bandcamp.com/album/saddayah-lila

SADDAYAH was founded 11 years ago in Ploiesti, Romania. The band's music is based in traditional Death Metal although the members' high technical level shaped a new direction, a combination of Melodic Technical Death Metal with Progressive and Black Metal influences.



(RO) GOTHIC relansează albumul "Touch of Eternity"! 18 October 2024

Formația GOTHIC, în colaborare cu Loud Rage Music, au deosebita plăcere de a anunța reeditarea albumului "Touch of Eternity", unul dintre albumele de referință ale scenei metal romanești! "Touch of Eternity", inițial lansat pe casetă de către Bestial Records în anul 1997, va fi relansat în format CD în prima parte a lunii Ianuarie 2025, în cadrul unui eveniment extraordinar care va fi anunțat în câteva zile.

Fondatorul trupei, Alin Petruț, despre perioada lansării acestui album: "După câțiva ani de ascensiune (1995 - 1997) în care GOTHIC a apărut la mai multe festivaluri importante, a avut mai multe apariții foarte apreciate la emisiunea "Întâlnirea de la miezul nopții" dar și în presa vremii, am primit o invitație de a lansa acest album din partea casei de discuri timișorene Bestial Records, invitație pe care am acceptat-o cu mare plăcere. În sfârșit, după lansarea unor albume de mare succes, semnate Negură Bunget, Grimegod, God și alții, venise și rândul nostru, asa ca în luna octombrie a anului 1997, în formulă de trei, cu Donath Francisc la tobe, Emil Ciupercă la chitară și cu mine (la chitare, bass și voce), însoțiți de clăparul Willy Gorgan, am plecat la Timișoara ca să înregistrăm primul nostru album. Willy a stat doar o zi sau două, până și-a înregistrat parțile de clape, iar noi restul am rămas o săptămână pentru a înregistra alături de Alex Perin, care la vremea respectivă era un personaj foarte apreciat în lumea muzicală, el făcând parte, pentru o perioadă, din renumita formație germana de gothic metal Umbra et Imago.

Am înregistrat în condiții oarecum improvizate. Deși studioul lui Alex era la standarde destul de bune pentru vremea aceea, nu dispuneam de un metronom ca prezent și nici măcar nu repetaserăm vreodată cu așa ceva, deci a trebuit sa ne efectuăm înregistrările după ureche, de unde și greșelile de pe album. Urechea unui profesionist va auzi fluctuații de tempo, chitare care bâzâie, precum și numeroase imperfecțiuni de sunet și interpretare, datorate lipsei noastre de experiență la vremea respectivă. Eram o trupă care exista de doar 3 ani și care nu mai intrase niciodată într-un studio profesional. Mai avuseserăm câteva încercări la studioul lui Valeriu Sterian din București, pentru piesele cu care participam la "Întâlnirea de la miezul nopții" dar acestea au fost sesiuni scurte, de câteva ore. Și cu toate acestea, am rămas plăcut surprinși de faptul că "Touch of Eternity" a devenit unul dintre cele mai de succes albume ale Bestial Records, ajungând (pare-se) la 3000 de casete vândute. Îi mulțumim lui Adi Mihailov de la Bestial Records pentru că ne-a ajutat atunci, iar acum ne-a acordat toate drepturile asupra acestui album astfel că îl putem relansa în varianta de CD, deși au fost 2 ani de întârzieri datorate unor promisiuni din partea unui label străin, care nu s-au mai concretizat. Într-un final am decis sa lansăm alături de Loud Rage Music, pentru că este un label în care se face treaba cu pasiune și ne-au ajutat foarte bine la albumele de până acum, așa că am hotărât sa continuăm colaborarea. Albumul a fost înregistrat pe caseta DAT la vremea respectiva, casetă care a fost trimisa în Grecia acum la producătorul care s-a ocupat și de cel mai recent album al nostru "Underground". Am lăsat totul în variantă originală, fără a mai reînregistra, materialul fiind doar remasterizat, pentru a păstra vie atmosfera acelor ani."

Mai multe detalii despre "Touch of Eternity" in curând!

ENDLESS DARK reveal new single and album release date 10 October 2024

Romanian Gothic Doom ensemble ENDLESS DARK will release their first studio album "The Kingdoom" in collaboration with Loud Rage Music this November 1st! Pre-orders are now open here: https://loudragemusic.bandcamp.com/album/endless-dark-the-kingdoom

After the first single, the title-track "The Kingdoom" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jT4vS51KhUo), ENDLESS DARK reveal a second cut from their debut album, "Alone in Paradise":

Formed in March 2022 by Florin Cucerzan (guitar and vocals) and Liviu Voda (guitar), the band was later joined by Dragos Benyovszky (bass and vocals), Catalin Chereji (keyboards) and Arpi Bogar (drums) to what nowadays is a determined quintet.

ENDLESS DARK strive to provide an atmosphere reminiscing to its name, music-wise a Gothic Doom Metal band with Death and Black Metal influences. The sound, the message of the lyrics, the harmonic chaos, the obscure melody, they all create a cell of emotions bringing all that the name ENDLESS DARK holds within!

"The Kingdoom" is the first album of the Romanian band ENDLESS DARK, a material that preaches about a metaphorical entity by his name... the "kingdoom". This "kingdoom" is rather an idea, a morbid kind of thinking into the unknown, the mythical, the mystical, the dark path of the obscure idea of what afterlife could be, and of course... the ENDLESS DARK. The lyrics are reminiscing of death, many songs evoking a macabre tone in their lyrics while also holding high a very tiny touch of hope... or lack of it, from the melodic, chaotic harmony of the sound.

"From cold and shadows...

We rise under the darkest moon, beyond the mist of time that brings up the ENDLESS DARK!

Embrace the lost words, burn down the sun!

Restless revenants roaming the darkest depths of this existence, we fight for our unlight to become the Age of the Dark!

We shall rise the darkest light in the hopes of eternal peace!

We follow the mythical path of everlasting unlight to bring the peace amongst disturbed dead...

Let us reveal the ancient wisdom lost in time!

Let us bring you... The Kingdoom!"


Endless Dark



Loud Rage Music


ORDINUL NEGRU reveal new details for upcoming album "Dodekatemoria" 4 October 2024

Timisoara, Romania based Occult Black Metal trident ORDINUL NEGRU announce the track-list for their upcoming full-length album "Dodekatemoria" as follows:

I. Aleph

II. Dodekatemoria

III. Judas Goat

IV. The Decrepitude of Centuries

V. Zahir

VI. Palladian Rituals

The cover artwork was crafted in conspiracy with long-time band collaborator Alexandru Das, and the band photos are the work of Oana Stoian.

The new material has been in the works for the past five years and it was previously introduced by two EPs: "Nebuisa" in 2020, and "A Sojourner Wandering Through the Barren Openness" in 2021, and now by a first video for the track "Zahir" here:

Here's what the band had to say about the album: ""Dodekatemoria" is the ninth album and represents our bond with the cosmic nature and what we experience as individuals when we are on this path searching for our truths."

The band also invited Anca Otescu (Black Water, FusionCore) and Irinel Carlan to enhance the vocal compartment with their guest performances.

"Dodekatemoria" will be released this Autumn in collaboration with Loud Rage Music.

W3 4R3 NUM83R5 to release a new album, "Death Finds A Way" 1 October 2024

After 6 years since the first long-play record, W3 4R3 NUM83R5 are back with a new album titled Death Finds A Way, in collaboration with Loud Rage Music.

A live performance on Saturday, Oct. 26, 2024 at Rockstadt venue in Brasov will be the grounds for album release party, alongside special guests such as Underwaves from Brasov and June Turns Black from Bucharest, an evening that will also mark the 10-year anniversary of the snapbacks boys. At the same time, the album will be available on all online streaming platforms.

Romanian Metalcore will be found in full on Death Finds A Way which will contain a total of 10 songs, some already released as singles but now remixed and remastered as well as new songs and which will be as first live audition on the evening of the concert.

The record is not a conceptual one so there are some different experimental nuances between the tracks, from metalcore and hardcore to short slam inserts but keeping all the ingredients with which W3 4R3 NUM83R5 imposed itself on the local scene: groovy and melodic lines, violent breakdowns, growl and scream vocals and, as a novelty for this second material, a few tracks have clean vocals.

Lyrics wise, there are themes in which any of us can find ourselves: fear, loneliness, hopelessness, courage, life, death, but also the destructive race of mankind against the planet that is their home.

Several of the remixed and remastered songs that will appear on the new album are already released including videos or lyrics videos, the most notable being Dying, Dark//Below and Outnumbered.

The songs on the new album were written and recorded by W3 4R3 NUM83R5, self-produced, and the final mix and mastering were done by Radu "Snuff" Constantinescu, the band's bassist. At the same time, the vocals on two of the tracks, Time Of Contempt and Final Chapter, are produced, edited and written together with Dan Niculescu and Rach Alaji from June Turns Black.

The visual identity, artwork for the album and merchandise were made by Ilinca Ivanuca and the Death Finds A Way digipack was produced by Loud Rage Music.

W3 4R3 NUM83R5 is:

Andrei Dușcă – vocals

Horia Buzuleciu – drums

Alin Ștefănescu – guitar

Radu Constantinescu – bass guitar

Teodor Ardeleanu – guitar



Romanian Metallers GOTHIC present their new video, "Frați" 30 September 2024

Romanian Metal veterans GOTHIC released a new video for the track "Frați", the fourth single taken from the band's most recent album, "Underground", released earlier this year in collaboration with Loud Rage Music. The video was directed by Sorin Pop between March and August 2024, with footage from the bands national tour in support of this album.

Check out "Frați" here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ut_Pfyl2It8

"Underground" is available here: https://loudragemusic.bandcamp.com/album/gothic-underground or https://shop.loudragemusic.com/products/758452-gothic-underground

Audio mix and master: Nikos Palivos (Haunting Studios - Athens, Greece)

Audio recordings: Consonance Studio (Timișoara)

GOTHIC line-up:
Alin Petruț - guitar/vocals
Csaba Talpai - bass
Bogdan Băncilă - guitar
Bogdan Bălașa - guitar
Alin Alexandru - drums

SADDAYAH released "HP", the band's first video 27 September 2024

After 10 years of live activity, and in preparation for a new studio material, SADDAYAH released the band's first video. The track is titled "HP" and will be featured on the band's upcoming EP, "Lila".

Here's what the band had to say about "HP": "After an adventure towards the Earth's deep, the darkness and the aggression of Death Metal met in Europe's biggest salt mine, in a story about origins and survival. It's a short movie about a journey deep into humanity's gloom and the border between the border between the known and the unknown." and about the new EP: ""Lila" will be released with a concert in the Fabrica club in Bucharest, on October 18th. It will be released physically as a Deluxe Digipack CD with a print run strictly limited to 100 copies."